Monday, December 8, 2008

Favorite Cookbook

I was just getting out my cookbooks to look for inspiration. I have a couple of cookbooks that I always turn to. The first one is Vegan Planet. I use this book at least twice a week if not more. Here is what it looks like from all the use. LOL.Photobucket

The second one that I grab is my The Joy of Vegan Baking.

I started to wonder what your top 2 cookbooks are. So what are the cookbooks that you grab when you need inspiration??


Bianca said...

Damn, that is a well-worn copy of VP. I don't use mine as often as I'd like.

I'd say my top two are (and I'm gonna sound like an Isa worshiper) Vegan with a Vengeance and the Veganomicon.

Leslie Richman said...

I love VP as well. Everything I have tried from this book has been delicious!